Thursday, May 28, 2009

Internet as a tool for communication

A class in Virginia is learning about spiders. They are using digital cameras to take pictures of their spiders in their school yard. They call them "spider cam".
They also collaborate to work with a school in Missouri to learn about spiders in each of their areas. They use emails and a website to communicate with the students.

This shows that technology can give students an opportunity to learn about animals or other things that aren't in their area.
I like how the teacher makes the assignment fun and changes the name of the technology to make it fun. Changing names on things, like calling the camera a "spider cam" makes technology more of a game for the students.
I think that for a history or social studies class, this would be fun to take to a new level, and communicate with with students from other countries or regions to learn about different historical perspectives.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Technology and Climate

This teacher is using technology to teach about the seasons. She plays songs off of the computer like the Four Seasons and the students tell them what they are reminded of from the song.
The students then begin a
chart where they say what they know, what they have questions about, and what they learn.

They describe everything about what they know about the seasons and temperatures in Missouri, what they wonder, and what they learn.
They then watch a video about temperatures and seasons and why they occur.
They then use the internet to to access the temperatures of the cities in Missouri they are studying.
They then calculate the average temperature for the five cities and enter the averages using Microsoft Excel.
Using the internet, they were able to answer the questions on the wonder section of their chart.
The objectives were to learn about the seasons and temperature and the reasons for the seasons using technology.
It also taught them how to use scientific processes.
She also uses socratic dialogue of questioning the students and ends with a reflection to evaluate and rate the students for what they were able to get out of the activity.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Good assessment enhances instruction because a teacher is able to evaluate their teaching and see if the students are understanding the information.
Good assessment is fair and ethical.
Good assessments use multiple methods.
Good assessment appropriately incorporates technology.

What is most essential about assessment understands how general, fundamental assessment principles and ideas can be used to enhance student learning and teacher effectiveness.


How Classes Use Word Processing

The students in the class are doing an interview. They are thinking about interviewing someone in their community.
They learn how to use tape-recorders, and also use a digital camera to take pictures of the people they interview.
The students learn how to edit their photos using print-shop photo pro.
After completing their interviews, the students transcribe their notes from the tape recorder and write and informative paragraph. They then work with a partner to edit their paragraph.
The students then type and save their paragraphs using Microsoft Word 2000. Microsoft word helps them learn how to not only use the computer programs, but also helps them write their paragraphs.
It is interesting how just simple assignments can help students learn how to use technology.
The teacher is trying to get across the idea of professionalism, using Microsoft Word and digital camera, using editing for the digital camera, how to get your information in a usable format.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Producing a Daily News Broadcast-video observation

The students are working independently to produce this video broadcast that is seen throughout the school. There are no teachers present.

Connections, informal learning, direct experience, reflection, compelling situation, frequent feedback, and enjoyable setting are the principles of learning.

Active Involvement-the students teach and learn from each other by making a broadcast to show to the school. One student teaches another how to use the video editing software.

Direct Experience-learning how to take pictures with a digital camera, and other important aspects of doing a broadcast. The also shoot and edit the video footage, speaking with proper intonation in front of the camera, and being comfortable speaking in front of the camera.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Poor Scholar's Soliloquy

This article seems to touch on the fact that everyone excels in different areas, and these areas may not be found in the conventional classroom. I found it interesting that the author wrote that he found it impossible to memorize the presidents, but yet he knew the number of 26 American trucks. This shows that he is very intelligent, but is not able to show it in a classroom manner.
He seems to be lacking support from his teachers, ignoring him in science class or telling him that he is not a good citizen if he does not learn the Articles of Confederation.
He does not write in a standard accepted English, which shows that he may have difficulties in many classes if he has poor English skills.
He won't do something or doesn't feel that he can do something unless he sees the relevance of it.

In today's world I would not encourage him to drop out of school. There are now vocational education options to which he could turn where he could learn to work on automobiles.