Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Technology and Climate

This teacher is using technology to teach about the seasons. She plays songs off of the computer like the Four Seasons and the students tell them what they are reminded of from the song.
The students then begin a
chart where they say what they know, what they have questions about, and what they learn.

They describe everything about what they know about the seasons and temperatures in Missouri, what they wonder, and what they learn.
They then watch a video about temperatures and seasons and why they occur.
They then use the internet to worldclimate.com to access the temperatures of the cities in Missouri they are studying.
They then calculate the average temperature for the five cities and enter the averages using Microsoft Excel.
Using the internet, they were able to answer the questions on the wonder section of their chart.
The objectives were to learn about the seasons and temperature and the reasons for the seasons using technology.
It also taught them how to use scientific processes.
She also uses socratic dialogue of questioning the students and ends with a reflection to evaluate and rate the students for what they were able to get out of the activity.

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